I have to admit I am a bit nervous, maybe scared, to begin the journey of writing what I’m thinking. I have been good at keeping my thoughts to myself and blending in well with the people I was with. I never wanted to be the controversial one. Yet, here I am, about to open up my mind with the things that have been bouncing around for the past 5-10 years that became more crystallized over some specific events.

First, there was the small group lunch that led to me questioning how people “in the church” saw the poor and undereducated. I may dig into that in another post. Second was “THE QUESTION” that my wife posed to me before we were dating. I’ll definitely get into that one. Third, there was the Trumping of the right wing evangelicals. Another definite conversation. Finally, the pandemic and Sundays at home to read for myself, think for myself and have discussions with my wife.

Through it all, I came to see God in bigger and bolder ways than ever before. I finally began to let Him out of the box. You see, for years I followed teachings and practices that narrowed His focus to a rule keeper, an Assistant Principal if you will. His love for us was huge…as long as we stayed in the lines drawn by religious leaders. Grace was awesome…as long as we follow the rules.

Through it all, I began to see God, Jesus and the Bible very differently. Oh, that Holy Spirit part of the Trinity, I let him/her/it out of the box too. I think the Holy Spirit has been relegated to the bench for far too long in my circles.

The changes I have undergone are positive. I love God more. I love the life and death and resurrection of Jesus more. I love the Holy Spirit more. I love people of all descriptions more. I love grace more and extend it better than I ever have. I know less than I ever imagined, find the Trinity more mysterious than ever, am more open to how different people see a Higher Order or Higher Being and still have a stronger faith in the mystery of it all that leads to much more inner peace. Go figure.

There’s more to come as I wrap my mind around lots of notes scattered from here to there and voice memos. Suffice it to say, I have let God out of the box I thought he belonged in and I have found freedom.

Talk to you soon.